Step by Step Guide to Wear the Neck Brace

A neck brace is a device designed to restrict your neck movement. Commonly used for managing spinal fractures, it can also be applied to support your neck after surgery.

A neck support collar helps to maintain a proper position of your neck during the healing process.

Not being able to shake or turn your neck at night be uncomfortable at a certain time and may seem unusual. However, it is an essential part of your treatment and prevents any further damage.

Step by Step Guide to Wear the Neck Brace

An experienced healthcare professional will take appropriate measurements and fit you into the most suitable neck brace for your shape and size. They'll then instruct you on how to wear it and make sure it fits correctly.

You will be trained and monitored on your neck support collar application to ensure it fits correctly.

Furthermore, you'll be instructed to remove your collar daily for washing, depending on your individual circumstances. This may be in the lying or sitting position. You'll also be advised on the most appropriate position for your condition.

However, you need to remember certain things while wearing neck braces.

Important Things To Remember While Wearing Neck Braces

  • The collar fitting should be tight and comfortable. If the collar isn't tight enough, it will not provide adequate support to your injury. You may experience pain or worsen the damage to your neck. If worn too loose, it may rub against your skin and cause irritation and soreness.

  • You need to wear the collar every time you have received any special instructions from your healthcare consultant. For washing and cleaning, you need to remove it at least once daily.

  • The collar will only restrict movement within your neck, not eliminate it completely. You must monitor your posture to prevent slouching and avoid any heavy lifting and carrying.

  • The neck braces are removable and can be hand-washed. They need to completely dry prior to wearing and don't wear the collar without inserting the pads.

  • Bathing and showering wearing the neck brace are not permitted unless your doctor has given you special instruction.

  • Please connect with an occupational therapist or a healthcare worker to discuss it if you need guidance with washing and dressing techniques.

  • If you're experiencing any problems with the collar, please do not hesitate to contact the Specialist nurses, healthcare consultants, or physiotherapy teams.

How To Wear The Neck Braces in Lying Position?

  • Carefully slide the back panel behind the neck. Ensure it is evenly centered. Take out any long hair and place them outside the collar.

  • Flare the front panel's sides, slide it up the chest wall while scooping the neck support collar up under the chin to ensure it is central.

  • The sides of the collar's front section should be directed upwards to fit snugly over the shoulders and wrap around comfortably to the back of the neck.

  • Now start attaching the back straps to the front, one at a time, until they're in the original position.

How To Wear Neck Braces When Sitting?

  • A black panel needs to be placed behind the neck; ensure it is centered evenly.

  • Now loosely attach the back straps to the front panel, ensuring the chin is placed on top of the chin rest.

  • While securely holding the front, snugly curl the ends against the patient's neck.

  • One at a time, tighten the straps alternately until they're in the original position.

Final Word

Back Pain Help has an excellent collection of ergonomically designed neck braces that help your neck heal quickly and efficiently.

Trusted by patients in more than 50 countries around the world, you can purchase premium quality and innovative neck braces specifically designed for your requirement from the comfort of your home.


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